4.They watered down the soup to make it go further.
5.Can I have your assurance that this will go no further?
6.I would go even further and suggest that the entire government is corrupt.
7.Once he starts talking, he will go far afield from his original topic.
8."Boy, can you go any farther?"
9.But this didn’t frustrate Einstein.He was content to go as far as he could.
10.She seemed quite far gone, even though she’d only had two glasses of sparkling wine.
11.I wouldn't go that far.
12.Getting a bit drunk at a party is OK, but arriving completely drunk—that’s really going too far.
13.He was a very fine man, indeed I'll go furt<>an class="key">her, he was the most courageous man I ever knew.
他是个非常好人, 我甚至可以说, 他是我所知有勇气人。
14.I tried to avoid my usual error of making the head too large and went too far in the other direction, although the lankiness does look kind of spiffy .
15.He had not gone far before he met a little man, all in brown, the color of the tree trunks, and with a face tanned to the shade of a beechnut.